Asociado en Gestión de la Información en los Servicios de Salud

Asociado en Gestión de la Información en los Servicios de Salud

Este programa prepara a los estudiantes a ser técnicos de información de salud. Graduados de este programa adquirirá las habilidades necesarias para administrar los datos de información de salud. Los estudiantes aprenderán a mantener adecuada y completa historia clínica, y podrán participar en el procesamiento de la información. Se aprenden habilidades de codificación y obtener una comprensión del proceso regulatorio y el ciclo de ingresos. Los estudiantes aprenderán a mantener la integridad de los datos de salud a través de la implementación de tecnología, tales como registros electrónicos de salud.

El programa prepara los estudiantes para llevar a cabo servicios de administración de información que impactan directamente la calidad de la atención al paciente. Estas funciones son organizar, analizar y evaluar técnicamente la información de salud; compilación de varios administrativos y estadísticas de salud; codificación de enfermedades, operaciones, procedimientos y terapias; mantener y utilizar índices de información de salud; enfermedad de creación de registros de datos; facilitar el almacenamiento y recuperación de datos de salud; utilizando los sistemas computarizados de datos de salud; y controlar el uso y la divulgación de información. Graduados del programa podrán encontrar empleo en hospitales, centros de rehabilitación, clínicas, hogares de ancianos, oficinas Médicas , atención médica domiciliaria, las compañías de seguros y departamentos de salud en diversas funciones de apoyo técnico a la supervisión de operaciones diarias del Departamento de información de salud.

Desglose del programa por curso

Número del curso Nombre del curso Semestre créditos
HIU 1002

HIU 1002 Mastering eLearning (Non-credit)

This course is non-credit and a prerequisite to starting any degree at HIU. This course helps students to get acquainted with the university and to acquire the essential academic skills related to the online platform and course organization such as online behavior, time management, evaluation process and online ethics that will allow them to enhance their academic integration and success at HIU.

Mastering eLearning
(Prerequisite for Distance Education Programs)
Non- credit
Educación General (15 créditos)
ASB 1001

English Composition I

This course will allow students to develop an understanding of good college level writing with an emphasis on exposition and the research essay. Written communications of impressions and judgments concerning assigned readings in the essay and allied genre are required. Stress on the building of an active vocabulary and on correct sentence and paragraph structure.

English Composition I 3.0
ASB 1002

English Composition II

This course is designed to build upon the competencies acquired in English Composition I and to further refine students' writing process . Students develop proficie ncy in academic writing, information literacy, and critical thinking abilities and business documents. Prerequisites: ASB 1001

English Composition II 3.0
ASB 2038

College Algebra

This course will cover p olynomial and rational equations and inequalities, graphs of func tions, rate of change, transformations, extreme values, modeling, combining functions, one to - one and inverse functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, laws of logarithms, exponential and logarithmic equations, modeling, systems of equations , linear systems in three variables, nonlinear systems of equations, and linear and nonlinear systems of inequalities.

College Algebra 3.0
ASB 2039


This course is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of Probability and Statistics th rough assignments and forums. The students will learn to: organized data in different types of graphs, identify the use and misuse of graphical representations, apply and interpret data distribution, measures of center, apply and interpret probability, ap ply and interpret numerical measures of variability, and calculate and interpret area under the normal distribution curve. Prerequisites: ASB 2038

Statistics 3.0
BSB 2002

Critical Thinking and Ethics

This course gives a practical background in critical thinking generally and as applied specifically to ethical analysis, argumentation, discussion, writing, and the justification of ethical positions. The emphasis is on understanding the fact s, concepts and ethical claims in the issues, understanding the arguments on each side of the issue, and being able to formulate and defend your ethical conclusions. It will allow the students to apply critical thinking and ethical analysis to various impo rtant general issues, personal conflicts and a variety of case studies in business.

Critical Thinking and Ethics 3.0
Base de cursos (45 créditos)
AIH 1011

Human Anatomy and Physiology

This course provides the foundation for an understanding and encompasses both, anatomy and physiology of the human body. It includes cell structure and function and basic concepts of Anatomy and Physiology. The focus of this course is on the basic concepts, cellular level, Integumentary, muscular, and nervous system.

Human Anatomy and Physiology 3.0
AIH 2004

Health Informatics Applications

This course integrates clinical, financial and administrative data to resolve managerial and patient care problems and introduces the student to Health Informatics Applications including definitions, theory, technologies, workflow and expectations in the informatics field, tools, and professional organizations.

Health Informatics Applications 3.0
AIH 2005

Principles of Organizational Psychology

This course explores the organizations from the psychological perspective. Various psychology theories and research methods related both to organizational cultures and leadership are examined. Major topics of study include: Communication processes, collaboration processes, leadership and conflict.

Medical Billing and Insurance 3.0
AIH 2006

Medical Coding I

This course is designed to provide an overview of the medical codes ICD - 9 - CM produced by the coding specialist after review of the medical data or medical chart, based on medical necessity, used to report outpatient diagnosis to Health Plan. The proper and main use of the medical codes is to determine the medical severity of the condition treated and the intensity of the medical service pro vided.

Medical Coding I 3.0
AIH 2007

Medical Coding II

This course focuses on the analysis and coding of diagnosis, procedures and symptoms with ICD - 9 - CM and ICD - 10 - CM . Definitions and principles of the uniform hospital discharge data set (UHDDS) with emphasis on assignments of the principal diagnosis and sequencing.

Medical Coding II 3.0
AIH 2008

Medical Reimbursement

This course offers the study of various health service reimbursement systems and coding guidelines to optimize health service provider payments. Students w ill study coverage issues, billing demands, mandated documentation, appropriate coding for various health care and related organizations.

Medical Reimbursement 3.0
AIH 2009

Management and Supervision in Health Information

This course introduces the students to the ma nagement of the different systems in medical informatics and its application to the healthcare activities, to understand the proper organization, effect and impact of the informatics tools in the healthcare providers’ activities and direct patient’s care a s well.

Management and Supervision in Health Information 3.0
AIH 2010

Medical Terminology

This course is designed to provide an overview of the main structure, elements and composition of the medical language, by reviewing and learning the components that participate and interact to construct t his specialized terminology, and the proper interpretation according to the signs, symptoms, medical conditions and / or procedures analyzed, reviewed or performed.

Medical Terminology 3.0
AIH 2012

Foundations of Pharmacology

This course introduces the applicatio n of physicochemical principles to pharmaceutical systems; fundamentals of thermodynamics, pharmaceutical solutions, solubility, complexation and chemical stability; technology of liquid solution dosage forms. This course provides students with an overview of pharmacology with an emphasis on clinical applications within the context of the nursing process and prioritization of needs; with special consideration given to the physiological, psycho/social, cultural, and spiritual needs of patients. The c ourse ex plores indications, modes of action, effects, contraindications and interactions with selected drugs.

Foundations of Pharmacology 3.0
AIH 2013

Medicine and Disease in Allied Health

This course discusses disease, its etiology, and pathophysiologic nature. Medical complicatio ns and manifestations of disease states also included. Students learn to evaluate patients, diagnose conditions, develop treatment plans and understand the rationale behind various treatments to judge their appropriateness and potential side effects.

Medicine and Disease in Allied Health 3.0
AIH 2014

Community Health

This course examines social, behavioral, and environmental community health - related issues and the controversies that surround them. This course analyzes the various problems and issues focus upon three different dimens ions of health: social, cultural, and economic. The course covers aspects focusing on organizational structures (national, state, and local), provision of health care (health care costs, accessibility to health care, quality of care), and specific health programs and activities for different target populations.

Community Health 3.0
AIH 2015

Principles of Organizational Psychology

This course examines social, behavioral, and environmental community health - related issues and the controversies that surround them. This course analyzes the various problems and issues focus upon three different dimensions of health: social, cultural, and economic. The course covers aspects focusing on organizational structures (national, state, and local), provision of health care (health care costs, accessibility to health care, quality of care), and specific health programs and activities for different target populations.

Principles of Organizational Psychology 3.0
ASB 2015

Information Management for Business

This course focuses on the in formation explosion, the globalization of economies, and the increased competition and how information technology (IT) is being used as a tool to implement business s trategies and gain competitive advantage, not merely to support business operations. This course takes a management instead of a technical approach to the material presented. As such, it should be of interest to students of general management interested in information technology issues and to students of information technology interested in management issues.

Information Management for Business 3.0
ASB 2017

Principles of Project Management

This course introduces participants to Project Management as a business tool, developing skill s and abilities to solve problems, organize and present projects, ensuring that the proposal relates to an idea based on entrepreneurship. This course focuses on creating high performance teams and developing the leadership of Project Managers.

Principles of Project Management 3.0
ASI 1002 Principals of Information Technology 3.0



Credential Awarded
Associate of Science