
Born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Completed Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in 1978. Subsequently, obtained Master of Art in Organizational Psychology (1990) and EdD. in Educational Leadership (2004). From 1992 to 1997 worked at the Agency for International Development (USAID) as Human Resources Project Specialist Consulting in Human Resources Management. Since 1999, I have occupied the position of General Academic Director at Instituto Cultural Domínico-Americano (ICDA), and, since 2001, I have been the Executive Vice-Chancellor of Universidad Domínico-Americana (UNICDA). Starting in 2006, I have been collaborating with NOVA Southeastern University in Florida as Adjunct Professor and Chair of Doctoral Theses. Experience in organization of national and international events. I have participated as a referee assessor in numerous congresses.

Thelma Camarena, EdD