Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

The purpose of the Bachelor of Science in Business is to contribute to the education of students with a general knowledge of business and in specific areas of marketing, and international business to develop the necessary competencies and skills to be effective leaders in the business world today.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate and employ critical thinking, speaking, and writing skills to address organizational issues.
  • Identify, analyze, and function within the legal and cultural environment of international business.
  • Review and evaluate the laws and regulations affecting the international business arena.
  • Explain and employ ethical analysis, argumentation, discussion, writing, and the justification of ethical positions.
  • Explain and apply innovative management in organizations.
  • Explain, analyze, and apply the concepts of leadership theory and methodology to improve skills in entrepreneurial management.
  • Identify and apply financial management to organizations. Discuss and assess international financial management and international trade.
  • Explain and develop processes of creating a strategic marketing plan.
  • Interpret and employ basic elements of statistical probability to the business organizations.
  • Conceptualize and analyze the information explosion, the globalization of economies, and the increased competition resulting from information technology (IT).
  • Explain and apply the principles of financial accounting and the accounting techniques applied in the United States.
  • Identify and apply human resources theories, including the new concepts of human capital.
  • Present, plan, and develop an integrative learning project that offers a successful solution to a practical problem.

Program Breakdown by Course

Course Number Course Name Semester Credits
General Education (30 credits)
ASB 1001

English Composition I

This course will allow students to develop an understanding of good college level writing with an emphasis on exposition and the research essay. Written communications of impressions and judgments concerning assigned readings in the essay and allied genre are required. Stress on the building of an active vocabulary and on correct sentence and paragraph structure.

English Composition I 3.0
ASB 1002

English Composition II

This course is designed to build upon the competencies acquired in English Composition I and to further refine students' writing process . Students develop proficie ncy in academic writing, information literacy, and critical thinking abilities and business documents. Prerequisites: ASB 1001

English Composition II 3.0
ASB 2038

College Algebra

This course will cover p olynomial and rational equations and inequalities, graphs of func tions, rate of change, transformations, extreme values, modeling, combining functions, one to - one and inverse functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, laws of logarithms, exponential and logarithmic equations, modeling, systems of equations , linear systems in three variables, nonlinear systems of equations, and linear and nonlinear systems of inequalities.

College Algebra 3.0
ASB 2039


This course is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of Probability and Statistics th rough assignments and forums. The students will learn to: organized data in different types of graphs, identify the use and misuse of graphical representations, apply and interpret data distribution, measures of center, apply and interpret probability, ap ply and interpret numerical measures of variability, and calculate and interpret area under the normal distribution curve. Prerequisites: ASB 2038

Statistics 3.0
ASB 2045

Origin of Western Civilization

This course explores the meaning of civilization as a stage in the development of culture and examines some of the considerable cultural achievements of the earliest civilizations that have contributed to the cultural legacy of the W est . Of particular interest will be the religious and philosophical ideas con cerning the world and the human condition, especially as revealed in its literature, architecture, and other fine arts produced by each civilization. The civilizations examined include those of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Crete, and of the archaic and classical Greece.

Origin of Western Civilization 3.0
BSB 2001

Psychology of Personal Effectiveness

This course is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of human interaction. It combines knowledge of psychology and sociology and other behavioral sciences. This is an applied psycholog y course which emphasizes the understanding of the principles of effective human behavior and their application to the areas of personal awareness, interpersonal relations, communication, and work/career development .

Psychology of Personal Effectiveness 3.0
BSB 2002

Critical Thinking and Ethics

This course gives a practical background in critical thinking generally and as applied specifically to ethical analysis, argumentation, discussion, writing, and the justification of ethical positions. The emphasis is on understanding the fact s, concepts and ethical claims in the issues, understanding the arguments on each side of the issue, and being able to formulate and defend your ethical conclusions. It will allow the students to apply critical thinking and ethical analysis to various impo rtant general issues, personal conflicts and a variety of case studies in business.

Critical Thinking and Ethics 3.0
BSB 2003

Social Basis of Behavior

This course introduces t he scientific study of how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, are influenced by the actual, imagined , or implied presence of others. Relevant research, theory, and practical applications will be covered . This course addresses social issues using current events to illustrate social - psychological constructs. Students will be given the opportunity to apply social psychological concepts to actual classroom experiences that demonstrate the social influences at play on behaviors and on internal cognitive events. The course canvasses the history of the field of social psychology.

Social Basis of Behavior 3.0
BSB 2004

Principles of Earth Science

This course introduces the Earth Sciences including earth materials, surface and internal processes, earth history, oceanography and atmospheric science.

Principles of Earth Science 3.0
BSB 2005

Science History of Life

This course reviews the evolutionary histo ry of major groups of organisms as seen in the fossil record, including origins of animals and plants, and major events such as origin of earth and life, the marine invasion of land, mass extinctions, and the Ice Age.

Science History of Life 3.0
Core Courses (69 Credits)
AIH 2015

Principles of Organizational Psychology

This course explores the organizations from the psychological perspective. Various psychology theories and research methods related both to organizational cultures and leadership are examined. Major topics of study include: Communication processes, collaboration processes, leadership and conflict.

Principles of Organizational Psychology 3.0
ASB 1012

Principles of Business

This course provides a general outline of the nature of business, including ownership, management, and organization. Business operations such as finance and decision - making controls are emphasized . The legal and regulatory environment in which business operates are examined.

Principles of Business 3.0
ASB 2006

Principles of Microeconomics

This course emphasizes microeconomic concepts, including the mechanics of supply and demand, the economics of the firm, the allocation of resources, returns to factors of production, and the concept of a mixed economy and current microeconomic problems.

Principles of Microeconomics 3.0
ASB 2007

Principles of Macroeconomics

This course offers an overview of the basic economic concepts and institutions. Students will learn the modern national income formation theory, economic fluctuations, money, banki ng, monetary and fiscal policy, economic stabilization theory and policy, the public sector, theory of economic growth and development comparative economic systems.

Principles of Microeconomics 3.0
ASB 2008

Fundamentals of Human Resources Management

This course is designed t o introduce students to the fundamentals of human resource management, including the business case for human resource management and an overview of the skills necessary to effectively manage human resources. This course study of effectively selecting, util izing, assessing and developing managers as well as the role of the Human Resource department in administering human resources in a changing and demanding environment.

Fundamentals of Human Resources Management 3.0
ASB 2009

Principles of Financial Accounting

This course approaches accou nting as an information or decision support system. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of business transactions of their effect on the operation of an enterprise. Major learning objectives provide the student with an in - depth understanding of the principle s of financial accounting and the technique of accounting as applied in the United States.

Principles of Financial Accounting 3.0
ASB 2010

Principles of Accounting

This course is intended to provide a comprehensive view of accounting and to explain how accounting information is u sed by managers in various types of business organizations. The course is conducted and structured to have a balance between conceptual and procedural techniques. The emphasis is on the development, interpretation, and application of managerial accounting information for planning activities, controlling operations, and making decisions.

Principles of Accounting 3.0
ASB 2013

Business Law and Ethics

This course discu s ses the nature of legal, ethical and societal environments of business. Emphasis is placed on business's soc ial, legal, political, and ethical responsibilities to both external and internal groups for business. Other topics are state and federal laws, contracts, intellectual property, employment law, product liability, safety issues and environmental regulation.

Business Law and Ethics 3.0
ASB 2015

Information Management for Business

This course focuses on the in formation explosion, the globalization of e conomies, and the increased competition and how information technology (IT) is being used as a tool to implement business s trategies and gain competitive advantage, not merely to support business operations. This course takes a management instead of a technical approach to the material presented. As such, it should be of interest to students of general management interested in information technology issues and to students of information technology interested in management issues.

Information Management for Business 3.0
ASB 2017

Principles of Project Management

This course introduces participants to Project Management as a business tool, developing skill s and abilities to solve problems, organize and present projects, ensuring that the proposal relates to an idea based on entrepreneurship. This course focuses on creating high performance teams and developing the leadership of Project Managers.

Principles of Project Management 3.0
ASB 2019

Strategic Planning for Business

This course provides an overview and applications of strategic planning theories, methods, and group processes in different organizational environments. This course is designed to help students understand how to integrate knowledge of the various business disciplines and apply that knowledge to planning and managing strategic business activities.

Strategic Planning for Business 3.0
ASI 1002

Principles of Information Technology

This course introduces the student to current technology with an emphasis on online design and application. Students will be introduced to hardware and software concepts, online media, blogs, and general networking concepts and security, as well as how to effectively develop and manage onl ine identity.

Principles of Information Technology 3.0
BSB 2015

Corporate Finance

This course approaches financial management to organi zations, including ratio analysis, leverage, cash budgeting, and capital structure as base topics. This course examines important issues in corporate finance from the perspective of financial managers who are responsible for making a significant investment and financing decisions. The concept of net present value, suitably adapted to account for taxes, uncertainty, and strategic concerns, is used to analyze how investment and financing decisions interact to affect the value of the firm. The course covers to pics that are important to decision - making in marketing, operations management, and corporate strategy .

Corporate Finance 3.0
BSB 2018

Statistics for Business Decisions

This course analyzes some basic elements of probability theory such as Bayes' theorem, decision trees and expected value criterion, value of information, utility in decision making, simple linear regression, multiple regression, analysis of variance, and time series analysis.

Statistics for Business Decisions 3.0
BSB 2020

Innovation Management

Th is course aims to equip man agement students with an understanding of the main issues in the management of innovation and an appreciation of the relevant skills needed to manage innovation at both strategic and operational levels. It provides evidence of different approaches based on real - world examples and experiences of leading organizations from around the world.

Innovation Management 3.0
BSB 3031

Negotiation & Conflict Resolution

This course analyzes the concepts of leadership theory and methods to improve skil ls in entrepreneurial management. This course views conflict as an ever - present component of any decision - making environment, including planning, public administration and non - profit management. It offers tools for: understanding the nature of conflict and individual and joint decision making processes; devising individual and group strategies that minimize the destruct ive consequences of conflict; identifying and negotiating solutions satisfactory to all involved.

Negotiation and Conflict Resolution 3.0
BSB 3042

Bachelor Capstone

This course is a comprehensive final course in which the student will develop from conception to conclusion a final work in a field of their interest. This course will be a capstone course for the program. The student will work closely with the instructor in a required time frame.

Bachelor Capstone 3.0
BSB 4020

Ethical Role of the Manager

This course introduces contemporary and controversial ethical issues facing the business community. Topics include moral reasoning, moral dilemmas, law and morality, equity, justice and fairness, ethical standards, and moral development. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of their moral responsibilities and obligations as members of the workforce and society.

Ethical Role of the Manager 3.0
BSB 4023

Marketing Principles and Application

This course focuses on the marketing concept and examination of a marketing oriented firm. Topics include consumer behavior, market analysis , and the marketing mix. Students will produce a marketing plan.

Marketing Principles and Application 3.0
BSB 4024

Operations Management

This course develops the student’s personal understan ding of processes, process capabilities and results and then transfers those into the business environment. Topics include process flow and capability, operations strategy, total quality management (TQM), supply chain and capacity management, process impro vement, and project management.

Operations Management 3.0
BSB 4031

Fundamentals of Leadership

This course will study the changing responsibiliti es of first - level supervisors. Topics include high - quality management, multicultural diversity, dealing with unions, equal opportunity legislation, discipline procedures, and organizational ethics and politics.

Fundamentals of Leadership 3.0
BSB 4032

Competitive Intelligence for Business

This course introduces participants to competitive intelligence (CI) as a management tool that business should be able to use to improve their performance. Competitive Intelligence for Business focuses on the understanding of CI, the re sources needed, its scope, and the ethical and legal constraints of the discipline.The course has a practical approach, with a special focus on the utilization of CI resources by businesses, and particularly on the solution of problems in the organization s where the students develop their professional activities.

Competitive Intelligence for Business 3.0
BSB 4046

International Business

This course surveys the legal and cultural environment of international business; the internati onal financial system; management of international operations; personnel and labor relations; international marketing; international economics, trade, and finance; multinational enterprise; and international accounting.

International Business 3.0
Marketing (21 Credits)
ASB 2022 International Marketing 3.0
ASB 2023 Branding and Advertising 3.0
ASB 2024 Digital Marketing 3.0
BSB 3038

Consumer Behavior

This course offers an analysis of consumer motivation, buying behavior, market adjustment and product innovation. Behavioral aspects of the marketing process from producer to ultimate user or consumer are considered .

Consumer Behavior 3.0
BSB 3039

Marketing Research

This course discusses research procedures and techniques for problem solving in marketing. Concepts are explored , and the incorporation of information resources into the management function demonstrated. The primary goal of this course is to equip studen ts with an understanding of how market research can help them make business decisions and how they can transform research findings into actionable business insights. The course also aims to help students gain the ability to evaluate and interpret research designed and conducted by outside providers.

Marketing Research 3.0
BSB 3040

Marketing Tools

This course analyzes the development of advanced tools and methods relevant to the creation, design, and implementation of an integrated marketing program. This course is d esigned as a robust introduction to marketing principles, concepts, tools, and techniques. The goal is to expose students to these elements as they are used in a wide variety of industry settings, including consumer and industrial goods, manufacturing and service industries, small and large businesses, and domestic and global contexts.

Marketing Tools 3.0
BSB 3041

Marketing Strategy and Planning

This course discusses the process of creating a marketing plan including analyzing the environment, establishing market ing objectives, and developing customer and marketing mix strategies. This course will help train the student to perceive and define business problems and opportunities, as well as to devise action plans for solutions and successful business plan implement ation. The course emphasizes the need for and execution of research activities to answer business questions, especially regarding marketing, that are a part of the business plan development process.

Marketing Strategy and Planning 3.0
International Business (21 Credits)
ASB 2022 International Marketing 3.0
ASB 2025 Principles of International Trade 3.0
ASB 2026 International Business Competitiveness 3.0
ASB 2027 Globalization and Business 3.0
BSB 3047

International Business Law

This course provides a review of international laws and regulations affecting the international business arena. The course aims at exposing the student to the legal implications of transactin g business across national borders. The focus will be on transactional international business and special emphasis will be placed on the evolving changes in international regulation and its impact on multinational companies.

International Business Law 3.0
BSB 3048

International Business and Finance

This course focuses on international financial management and international trade. Topics covered include trends in international banking, the balance of payments, and the determination of exchange rates. We will also examine the challenges and problems faced by firms planning on doing international business.

International Business and Finance 3.0
BSB 3049

International Business Negotiation

This course provides an overview of negotiation theories and practices of international importance – bilateral, regi onal and multilateral. The emphasis is on different approaches to understanding what drives negotiation process and explains the outcome.

International Business Negotiations 3.0
Entrepreneurship (21 Credits)
ASB 2025 Principles of International Trade 3.0
ASB 2027 Globalization and Business 3.0
BSB 2051

Entrepreneurial Finance

This course covers the financial aspects of small business entrepreneurship for present and future owners of sole proprietor ships, partnerships and small nonpublic corporations. The course focuses on: updated financial statement coverage; forecastin g definitions and formulas; equipment replacement by using the low - cost model; application of operation techniques to examples of s mall businesses including capital budgeting and working capital management.

Entrepreneurial Finance 3.0
BSB 2153

Small Business Managemen

This course examines and analyzes the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling applied to the small business. Retailing, whole - selling, manufacturing, and service type business organizations are discussed.

Small Business Management 3.0
BSB 3039

Marketing Research

This course discusses research procedures and techniques for problem solving in marketing. Concepts are explored , and the incorporation of information resources into the management function demonstrated. The primary goal of this course is to equip studen ts with an understanding of how market research can help them make business decisions and how they can transform research findings into actionable business insights. The course also aims to help students gain the ability to evaluate and interpret research designed and conducted by outside providers.

Marketing Research 3.0
BSB 3055

Franchise Management

This course emphasizes the important aspects of starting and managing a fr anchise business. Specific attention is placed on the characteristics of the franchisor and franchisee; evaluation of franchising opportunities; legal concerns of franchising; the development of appropriate strategies and the successful planning, implement ation and launching of a new business.

Franchise Management 3.0
BSB 3057

Entrepreneurship Experience

This course will guide the students through the case study method, computer simulations, and from local businesses researching the issues and challenges facing entrep reneurs. It includes finance, marketing, human resources, valuation techniques, turnaround management, exit strategies, and ethical considerations.

Entrepreneurship Experience 3.0



Credential Awarded
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration